1a |
Body somewhat wormlike, usually with a rounded or bulbous base (in
purpurea, choice 6b, the base becomes flattened when the animal contracts),
inhabiting mud or muddy sand, not attached to a firm object |
2 |
1b |
Body not wormlike, with a flattened base that is attached to rock,
pebble, shell, wood or some other firm object (note: some species are partly
or almost completely buried in gravel, sand, or mud, but their bases are
nevertheless attached to a firm object) |
7 |
2a |
With 10 tentacles |
decemtentaculata |
2b |
With 12 or more
tentacles, at least in mature individuals |
3 |
3a |
With 12-18 (usually 16) tentacles;
cavity with spherical, ciliated clusters of cells circulating in it;
height up to 1.5 cm; mostly in estuarine situations, especially shallow
pools in salt marshes |
vectensis |
3b |
Usually with 12 tentacles;
cavity without spherical, ciliated clusters of cells circulating in
it; height commonly 4 cm or more; often in bays, but not typically in salt
marshes or other estuarine situations |
4 |
4a |
Base bulbous; part of the column
covered with a brownish cuticle |
sipunculoides |
4b |
Base not bulbous; column
without a brownish cuticle |
5 |
5a |
Column tan
to brown; oral
disk with distinct folds around the siphonoglyph |
quinquecapitata |
5b |
Column translucent
and colorless to opaque and beige; oral
disk without folds around the siphonoglyph |
6 |
6a |
Lips and pharynx
beige, white, or brown; base rounded when the animal is contracted |
crypta |
6b |
Lips and pharynx
usually red; base flattened when the animal is contracted |
purpurea |
7a |
With acontia
(threadlike structures that can be extruded through the mouth or through
pores or breaks in the body wall when the anemone is disturbed or damaged)
(photo) |
8 |
7b |
Without acontia |
10 |
8a |
Column green
to brown, with 7-19 pale orange stripes; height not exceeding 2 cm; usually
high intertidal, in cracks or shallow pools in rock (Haliplanella lineata
in the original key) |
Diadumene lineata |
8b |
Column sometimes
brown, but not green, and without orange stripes; height commonly more
than 2 cm; mostly low intertidal and subtidal, or on floats |
9 |
9a |
Height not more than 10 cm, and usually not more than 5 cm; column
white, gray, brown, or orange, sometimes with dark spots marking the location
of the pores through which acontia
are extruded; generally with fewer than 100 tentacles;
oral disk only slightly lobed; reproducing rapidly by pedal
laceration, the pedal fragments developing into complete anemones within
about 3 weeks; intertidal and subtidal |
senile subsp.
fimbriatum |
9b |
Height often more than 10 cm, and sometimes attaining 1 m; column
white, brownish orange, or salmon-orange, without spots marking the location
of the pores through which acontia
are extruded; generally with more than 200 tentacles
in larger specimens; oral
disk prominently lobed, except in small individuals; not reproducing
by pedal
laceration; mostly subtidal |
Metridium farcimen |
10a |
Column with
(these may, however be small and inconspicuous), often with sand, gravel,
or bits of shell adhering to them |
11 |
10b |
Column without
and usually without adherent material |
20 |
11a |
Margin of oral disk with white or yellow spherules (these may be hidden
by the tentacles) |
12 |
11b |
Margin of oral disk without spherules |
15 |
12a |
restricted to the upper portion of the column
(oral disk often bright pink or orange; tentacles
with white bands on a gray, brown, blackish, or green background, or with
the colors reversed; without symbiotic algal cells in the tissues; buried
in sand or gravel, with the base attached to a rock, pebble, or shell) |
artemisia |
12b |
present on all parts of the column |
13 |
13a |
Prevailing color of column, oral
disk, and tentacles green or olive green, due to the presence of zoochlorellae
(green algal cells) and/or zooxanthellae (dinoflagellates) in the tissues
(specimens growing in caves or other deeply shaded situations may lack
the symbionts and therefore be nearly white) |
14 |
13b |
Prevailing color of column,
disk, and tentacles white, yellow, or pink (the oral disk has yellow
or pink lines radiating from the mouth to the margin, and the tentacles
have transverse zigzag lines) (strictly subtidal; broods internally) |
fernaldi |
14a |
Column green
or olive green, often shading to white toward the base;
tubercles usually in distinct lengthwise rows; tentacles
typically with pink tips and the disk often with dark radial bands; height
up to about 5 cm; often in clonal masses formed by asexual multiplication,
and frequently covered by sand that accumulates on rocks to which this
anemone is attached; mostly mid-intertidal
elegantissima |
14b |
Column almost
uniformly green; tubercles
usually not in distinct rows; tentacles and
disk uniformly green; height commonly exceeding 5 cm; solitary, and
not covered by sand; low intertidal
xanthogrammica |
15a |
Column greenish
or reddish, with lengthwise rows of tubercles
that may be of the same color or lighter; oral
disk with conspicuous white stripes radiating from the mouth to the
margin (broods internally, releasing young through pores at the tips of
the tentacles) |
Aulactinia incubans |
15b |
Column greenish,
olive, brownish, or red (if greenish or olive, it may have red blotches;
if red, it may have greenish or olive blotches or white tubercles); oral
disk without radiating white stripes |
16 |
16a |
Column red,
its tubercles
of the same color (and not arranged in distinct rows); column accumulating
sand, gravel, and bits of shell (this species is usually partly buried
in coarse sand or gravel); oral
disk slightly greenish |
Urticina coriacea |
16b |
Column red
(sometimes with white tubercles),
brownish, olive, or greenish (if olive or greenish, often with red blotches);
column usually not accumulating sand, gravel, or bits of shells; oral
disk usually not greenish |
17 |
17a |
Column red
(rose to maroon), with conspicuous white tubercles |
18 |
17b |
Column red,
brownish, olive, or greenish (if olive or greenish, often with red blotches);
with inconspicuous tubercles,
these not white |
19 |
18a |
smooth, arranged in lengthwise rows; column
rarely more than 10 cm in diameter; intertidal and subtidal |
Urticina lofotensis |
18b |
rough, arranged in circumferential rows; column
frequently more than 15 cm in diameter; strictly subtidal |
Urticina columbiana |
19a |
usually with transverse bands; column
sometimes of a uniform color (red, brownish, olive, or greenish), sometimes
with red blotches on an olive or greenish background; intertidal and subtidal,
common on floating docks |
Urticina crassicornis |
19b |
without transverse bands; column
uniformly deep red to maroon, appearing velvety; subtidal, and usually
situated atop prominences (oral
disk often with alternating red and yellow radial markings) |
Urticina piscivora |
20a |
Column orange
or white, or white with orange streaks or blotches (tentacles orange or
white, sometimes with orange bands); not brooding young externally; subtidal |
21 |
20b |
Column brown,
orange, red, or green, sometimes with parallel light lines, but never white
or with orange streaks or blotches; sometimes brooding young externally
on the column; intertidal and subtidal |
23 |
21a |
Column whitish,
with red or orange-red streaks; tentacles
with white spots at their bases; column, when extended, not more than 3
cm high, and not appreciably higher than wide; usually attached to shells
of Modiolus modiolus (horse mussel) |
Stomphia coccinea |
21b |
Column cream
to pale orange (sometimes with orange or red blotches or streaks) or reddish
beige; tentacles
without white spots at their bases; column,
when extended, often more than 5 cm high, and appreciably higher than wide;
not usually attached to shells of Modiolus modiolus |
22 |
22a |
Color cream to orange, sometimes with orange or red blotches or streaks;
with at least 160 tentacles
in specimens whose column height is 5 cm or more |
Stomphia didemon |
22b |
Color uniformly reddish beige; with not more than 130 tentacles
in specimens whose column
height is 5 cm or more |
Stomphia sp. |
23a |
Oral disk
with radiating white lines (picture);
brooding young internally or externally, depending on the species |
24 |
23b |
Oral disk
without radiating white lines; brooding young internally (color drab green,
brick-red, dark orange, or deep mustard, sometimes with lighter or darker
spots; pedal disk without radiating white lines; mid- to high intertidal,
mostly in caves and in surge channels shaded by logs; known only from the
San Juan Archipelago) |
Epiactis fernaldi |
24a |
Column predominantly
greenish, reddish, or brownish (sometimes orange in Epiactus lisbethae);
radiating white lines on oral
disk narrow, originating close to the mouth; pedal disk with radiating
white or gray lines; column not accumulating sand grains [except in E.
ritteri]; brooding young externally |
25 |
24b |
Column generally
dull red to brown, sometimes with darker spots; radiating white lines on
disk broad, located mostly close to the tentacle bases; pedal disk
with or without radiating white lines; lower part of column with adhesive
areas that accumulate sand; brooding young internally (extremely flat when
contracted; mostly low intertidal, often under rocks) |
Epiactis ritteri |
25a |
Diameter of pedal disk not more than 3.5 cm; radiating white lines
on pedal disk not continuing up the column
for more than part of its height; all mature individuals capable of brooding
and do so throughout the year, bearing up to about 30 young of various
sizes, mostly in a single circumferential row |
Epiactis prolifera |
25b |
Diameter of pedal disk up to about 8 cm; radiating white lines on pedal
disk of mature individuals continuing up the column
for its entire height (the lines are gray, blue-gray, gray-green, or white;
some light colored specimens do not have distinct lines); females brooding
in spring and early summer, bearing up to several hundred young of nearly
uniform size in a circumferential band that is several individuals deep
(females that are predominantly red, brown, or green usually have pink
young; those that are orange usually have orange young) |
Epiactis lisbethae |