Description: This Dorid nudibranch has the anus on the midline of the dorsum, surrounded by a single circle of gills which are enclosed by a common sheath but cannot be completely retracted into it. The dorsum has long, tapered papillae making it look spiky or fuzzy, but no conspicuous outgrowths such as cerata, and no yellow line around the margin. The rhinophores are long, slender, taper from the base to the tip, and are colored white or yellowish-white (photo). The pointed tail has a mid-dorsal ridge (photo). Color white or cream with small white flecks between the papillae. Length to 12 mm. How to Distinguish from Similar Species: Several other small whitish dorids have gills which extend from separate pits, not surrounded by a common sheath. They also have no mid-dorsal ridge on their tail. Geographical Range: Southern Alaska to Baja California, Mexico Depth Range: Intertidal and subtidal Habitat: Biology/Natural History:
This species
feeds on bryozoans such as Nolella
stipitata and Tubulipora
References:Dichotomous Keys:Carlton, 2007 Kozloff, 1987, 1996 General References:
Scientific Articles:
Web sites: General Notes and Observations: Locations, abundances, unusual behaviors: I have not often seen this small nudibranch near Rosario.
Authors and Editors of
Salish Sea Invertebrates web site provided courtesy of Walla
Walla University