Key:  Phylum Entoprocta

Taken primarily from  Kozloff, 1987, 1996 p. 421 (Copyright 1987, 1996, University of Washington Press.  Used in this web page by permission of University of Washington Press)
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1a  Zooids separate from one another, not connected by stolons or united basally into a cluster; generally attached to other organsms 2
1b Zooids forming colonies, either connected by stolons or united basally into a cluster; freeliving or attached to other organisms 4
2a Base of stalk differentiated into a muscular disk by which the animal is attached (attachment is not permanent, however; the animal is capable of moving about to some extent) Loxosoma davenporti
2b Base of stalk not differentiated into a muscular disk 3
3a With a horseshoe-shaped flange partly encircling the calyx, below the base of the ring of 8 tentacles (the flange is most prominent on the anal side, where the longest tentacles are located); attached to bryozoans Loxosomella nordgaardi
3b Without a horseshoe-shaped flange below the base of the ring of tentacles; attached to hosts other than bryozoans Loxosomella sp.
4a Producing buds at the base of the stalk, thereby forming a cluster of zooids that remain attached to one another; on the body surface of the polychaete Glycera nana (Glyceridae) Loxokalypus socialis
4b Zooids connected by stolons; free-living or attached to other organisms, but not to polychaetes 5
5a Stalks thick, without muscular enlargements where they join the stolon 6
5b Stalks thin, with muscular enlargements where they jon the stolon (and sometimes with 1 or more muscular enlargements between the base and the calyx 7
6a Orientation of tentacles in a plane that is decidedly oblique to the long axis of the stalk; both stalk and calyx strongly muscularized, and with conspicuous cuticular spines Myosoma spinosa
6b Tentacles oriented at right angles to the long axis of the stalk; neither stalk nor calyx strongly muscularized, and not bearing any spines Pedicellina sp.
7a Stalks with 1 or more muscular enlargements (in addition to those at their bases) that enable them to bend sharply 8
7b Stalks without muscular enlargements (other than those at their bases) Barentsia robusta
8a Stalks short (usually less than 2 mm) and delicate, lacking conspicuous cuticular pores 9
8b Stalks tall and robust, bearing conspicuous cuticular pores 10
9a Stalks with several muscular enlargements, thus with a beaded appearance Barentsia benedeni
9b Stalks with only 1 or 2 muscular enlargements Barentsia parva
10a Stalks generally with 4-6 muscular enlargements, from many of which erect branches arise, making the colonies very bushy Barentsia ramosa
10b Stalks generally with 2-4 muscular enlargements, without branches, the colonies therefore not bushy Barentsia gracilis var. nodosa

Taxonomic Levels Represented in This Key:

  Barentsia robusta
  Loxosomella sp.

Page created by Dave Cowles, 2008
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