Paciocinebrina lurida (Middenforff, 1848)

Common Name: Lurid Rock Snail

Synonyms: Ocenibra lurida Ocenibra lurida
Phylum Mollusca
 Class Gastropoda
   Order Neogastropoda
     Suborder Rachiglossa
      Family Muricidae
(Ocenebra lurida found subtidally near Rosario. About 2.7 cm long.
(Photo by: Dave Cowles 2006
Description:  The edges of the siphonal canal may touch (=siphonal canal) or not. The shell height (length) is about twice but not more than twice the diameter. Has 6-10 low axial ribs crossed by prominent spiral ridges. The aperture is oval with 6-7 small teeth inside the outer lip. The inside of the aperture is light colored, not purple. Shell height (length) usually up to 2.5 cm but may reach 4 cm. Colors range from white, pale yellowish, dark or ashy brown, or red, sometimes with darker spiral bands.

How to Distinguish from Similar Species: Ocenibra interfossa and O. sclera have narrow, sharply elevated axial ribs. Ocenibra painei has axial ribs elevated as thin lamellae. The introduced species Ceratostoma inornatum has a very thick outer lip of the aperture, about half the width of the aperture.

Geographical Range:  Ranges from Sitka (Alaska) to Punta Santo Tomas (Baja California).

Depth Range:  Low intertidal zones, but in southern California they are found sublittorally.

Habitat:  Commonly found on and under rocks and in crevices.

Biology/Natural History:  This predatory species is commonly found clinging to rocks. It has been observed feeding on gumboot chitons, where it uses its radula to cut through the dark outer layers on the dorsal surface of the chiton's girdle in order to eat the yellow tissue beneath. It does not kill the chitons, but it is common to see chitons with large grooves eaten out of their girdles. May eat barnacles as well. It deposits its eggs in capsules attached to rocks.

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Dichotomous Keys:
  Kozloff, 1987
  Carlton, 2007

General References:
  Morris et al., 1980. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press.

Scientific Articles:

General Notes and Observations:  Locations, abundances, unusual behaviors, etc.:

Underside of the same individual. Photo by Dave Cowles, 2006

Authors and Editors of Page:
Nathaniel Charbonneau (2002):  Created original page
Edited by:  Dave Cowles 8-2002 -
Edited by Hans Helmstetler 1-2003