Description: This mussel shell has a thick profile and the anterior end (umbo) is sharply pointed. It has strong radial ribs and irregular transverse growth lines. Parts of shell are often eroded. The periostracum is usually heavy and blue-black. The shell interior is blue-gray, may be slightly iridescent. Attach to rocks by byssal threads. How to Distinguish from Similar Species: The most similar local mussel species is the blue or bay mussel, Mytilus trossulus. M. trossulus has a smoother shell and is often wider than M. californianus for its length. Mature M. californianus are distinguished especially by the strong radial ribs and irregular transverse growth lines, which M. trossulus does not have. M. galloprovincialis lives in the southern end of M californianus' range (from central CA south), and is nearly indistinguishable from M. trossulus. Mixed clusters of M. californianus and M. galloprovincialis can be found on the open coast in southern areas. M. trossulus seldom has much presence in the northern wave-exposed coasts, so exposed mussel beds are mostly M. californianus. Geographical Range: Aleutian Islands to Baja California Depth Range: Intertidal to 24 m Habitat: Common in intertidal zone 3 (lower midlittoral). Less common subtidally. Clings to rocks in wave-exposed areas, especially on the open coast. Biology/Natural History: A very common inhabitant of the lower midlittoral (zone 3), where it often dominates the substrate in waveswept areas (picture). Specializes in living on large boulders and bedrock. Can move slowly from place to place by systematically breaking and remaking byssal threads. A filter feeder, filters 2-3 liters/hour. Spawns all year but spawning peaks in July and December in CA. A favorite prey of the seastar Pisaster ochraceous (picture). Small mussels are eaten by seabirds and by the oyster drill snails Nucella emarginata,Ceratostoma nuttali, and Roperia poulsoni, although it is less vulnerable to predation by snails than is M. trossulus (Wootton, 2002). In central CA parasitic isopods are often in the mantle cavity, as is also a pycnogonid and a pea crab. May become poisonous in summer months through ingestion of dinoflagellates, especially Gonyaulax catanella (causes paralytic shellfish poisoning). Although this species may experience high flow in the intertidal environment due to wave action, byssal thread production seems to be limited to flows of < 50 cm/s. Mussel aggregations sharply reduce water flow within them and make possible the production of byssal threads (Carrington et al., 2008) A study done on the related species Mytilus edulus (from the Atlantic) found that the movements of individual mussels correspond to a Levy walk pattern rather than a ballistic or Brownian pattern. This resulted in creating clusters with small-scale crowding, along with larger-scale dispersion. In this pattern mussels maximized the number of mussels immediately close to them (which reduced their chance of being dislodged by wave action) while at the same time minimized the number of mussels in the general area (which would increase competition for food). [de Jager, Monique, Franz J. Weissing, Peter M. J. Herman, Bart A. Nolet, and Johan van de Koppel, 2011. Levy Walks Evolve Through Interaction Between Movement and Environmental Complexity. Science 332 pp 1551-1553. A commentary on the article is on page 1514 of the same issue]
Pisaster ochraceus is famous as a keystone predator on Mytilus californianus mussels. According to the studies that support the idea of Pisaster ochraceous as a keystone predator, the mussel Mytilus californianus competes for space on the intertidal rocks with barnacles such as Balanus glandula, Semibalanus cariosus, and Pollicipes polymerus. Mytilus californianus is a superior competitor for space and excludes the other species from the rocks unless Pisaster ochraceus eats enough of the mussel to make room for the other species. However, on the Olympic Peninsula coast including Shi Shi Beach which is just a few miles from where the keystone predator experiments took place, the situation is more complicated than that. The photos below, taken at Shi Shi Beach July 2024, show that, rather than being excluded by Mytilus californianus, mussels and even Fucus disticus algae can often grow on them instead and live in abundance covering the mussel. Pisaster ochraceus were also present but not in high numbers. |
Clusters of young barnacles heavily encrusting Mytilus californianus |
The array also includes bigger barnacles. |
Even several species of algae are piling on, attached to the mussels. |