Cauloramphus spiniferum (Johnston,
Common name(s):
Synonyms: |
Phylum Bryozoa (Ectoprocta)
Class Gymnolaemata
Order Cheilostomata
Suborder Anasca
Family Hincksinidae
Cauloramphus spiniferum is seen
above as the bryozoan patch
to the left within the mouth of a small moon snail collected at 120 m
west of Yellow Island, San Juan Channel, WA. The patch is 5
mm long
vertically. The bryozoan to the right is Lichenopora
verrucaria. |
(Photo by: Dave Cowles,
2007) |
Like other Cheilostome
bryozoans, this species has calcified zooecia
and the opening is not closed by a constriction. Cauloramphus
spiniferum makes a crustlike colony which forms a patch
rather than
an elongated stolon.
The zooecia have an operculum
and spines. A large portion of the frontal
of the zooecium
is an uncalcified membrane and protected by straight, simple spines
the margin. The avicularia
are tall and slender, stalked, and found among the spines.
The zooecia
are not separated from one another by grooves.
How to Distinguish from
Similar Species:
Cauloramphus brunea and C. echinus
have large grooves between
the zooids.
Depth Range:
Dichotomous Keys:
1987, 1996
and Carlton, 1975
General References:
Wollacott, Robet M. and
Wheeler J. North, 1971. Bryozoans of California and northern
Mexico kelp beds. pp. 455-479 in North, Wheeler J. (ed.), The
Biology of Giant Kelp Beds (Macrocystis)
in California.
Beihefts zur Nova Hedwigia Heft 32. Publisher: J.
Cramer, Lehre, Germany.
Web sites:
General Notes and
Observations: Locations,
abundances, unusual behaviors:

This closeup shows the individual zooids.
Note that the frontal area of the zooids
is soft and membranous but it is protected by a sheath of spines around
the margin.
Here and there among the spines are thicker, stalked clublike
There are no large grooves between the zooids.

Here is a full view of the moon snail shell, which has a
diameter of
2.6 cm in this view.
Cauloramphus spiniferum is the bryozoan
colony farthest inside
the shell mouth (the topmost colony in this view).
The other two colonies are Lichenopora verrucaria
(middle left)
and Lichenopora novae-zelandiae (bottom right).
Authors and Editors of
Dave Cowles (2007): Created original page
CSS coding for page developed by Jonathan Cowles (2007)