How to Distinguish from Similar Species: Pugettia gracilis does not grow as large, and its dorsal carapace is rough. Scyra acutifrons has a rounder, rougher carapace. The carapace of Hyas lyratus is wider in front, and is also rougher. Cancer productus is a cancer crab (and has a round carapace and no rostrum) Geographical Range: Chichagof Island, Alaska to Ascuncion Point, Mexico Depth Range: Intertidal to 73 m Habitat: Mostly in kelp beds, either on the bottom or climbing in the kelp (photo). Also common on pilings. Juveniles may be in tidepools or around surfgrass or Fucus. Biology/Natural
History: This species
does not decorate itself as much as some other majid crabs
do. It
does have two rows of hooked setae just behind its rostrum, to which it
sometimes attaches algae, etc. The items it attaches may be
food, which it detaches and eats later. This crab eats algae
as Fucus, Macrocystis, Nereocystis,
and red algae. Where algae is scarce they may eat barnacles,
hydroids, and bryozoans. Jensen (2024) also reported observations of P. producta capturing and eating fish. Predators include staghorn sculpins,
cabezon, and sea otter. Velella
velella, the by-the-wind sailor, will readily
capture and eat the
pelagic larvae (zoeae) of this species. The species is sometimes parasitized
by the
rhizocephalan sacculinid barnacle Heterosaccus californicus,
causes the crabs to be sluggish and to have a brownish mass (the
parts of the barnacle) protruding from under the abdomen. The crab
only once after being parasitized, and during that molt the barnacle's
reproductive sac pushes out through the surface. The crab's
are damaged or destroyed and males exhibit some female-like
such as a broad abdomen and small claws. He may even become a
and produce eggs as well as sperm. Females seem less affected
than speeding up the development of mature female
This species cannot osmoregulate so it cannot tolerate diluted
The species has a terminal molt, after which the carapace may become
overgrown with barnacles, etc. In the fall adults migrate to
water where they congregate, feed, and mate. Females may be
eggs during most seasons of the year. In southern Puget Sound
could not be found during May, September, and October. Clutch
ranges from 34,000 to 84,000 eggs. Freshly extruded eggs are
orange, maturing to red, and to grayish-purple at hatching.
development may require nearly a year. Note: The
long legs
and claws of these crabs are dextrous and they can cling tenaciously
pinch hard, so be warned.
References:Dichotomous Keys:Coffin, 1952 Flora and Fairbanks, 1966 Hart, 1982 Kozloff 1987, 1996 Smith and Carlton, 1975 Wicksten, 2009 General References:
Scientific Articles:
Burnett, Nicole, 2024: A practical identification guide to the zoeae of the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Carcinidae), and to the zoeae of the families of brachyuran crabs in Washington state, USA. Journal of Crustacean Biology 44:4. Hultgren, Kristin M. and John J. Stachowicz, 2008. Alternative camouflaage strategies mediate predation risk among closely related co-occurring kelp crabs. Oecologia 155: 519-528 Jensen, Gregory C., 2024. Piscivory by the crabs Cancer productus Randall, 1840 and Pugettia producta (Radall, 1840) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Cancridae, Epialtidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 44:3 pp. ruae042. doi: 10.1093/jcbiol/ruae042 Web sites:
General Notes and Observations: Locations, abundances, unusual behaviors: While this crab is common among kelp in some places along the coast, it is not very common (though present) near Rosario. A view of the underside.
This pair was found at Beach #4 at Kalaloch. The
smooth male (facing
the camera) is clinging tenaciously to a larger female, who is
with colonial tunicates. Male crabs often hold and protect a
until she molts, then breed with her while her gonopores are
The abundant tunicate growth on this female suggests that she has not
for a long time, so she may be due for a molt soon. Note that
underside of this male is more red than the underside shown
Photo by Dave Cowles, July 2009.
Authors and Editors of Page: Dave Cowles (2005): Created original page |